Damian Hannon

Coach Damian has been playing and coaching basketball for over 20 years, and has been leading the day to day operations of London Pulse from 2014 to present. Coach Damian is passioate to see London Pulse continue to grow youth as both players and people.
Hear what others have to say:
"I have been training and working with players and coaches at all levels of basketball for over 25 years and Coach Damian's integrity, character, and trustworthiness with kids and players of all age and gender is world class! Damian always puts kids and their personal growth first, ahead of their growth as a players! I am thankful to have Coach Damian coaching and training my son! I admire the work Coach Damian has done and continues to do to further the London Pulse Basketball club."
Greg Burton
FIBA Licensed and Certified Professional Basketball Coach and Trainer